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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  March 9, 2012 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> welcome to the young turks r. young turks. the campaign is heating up and there's a new obama documentary. >> >> he's all alone. this is his decision. nobody is standing there with him. >> you know who put that together? the obama administration. well, we're going to give you a real break down here, the good, the bad of the obama administration, should web celebrating it. >> plus, there's this clown. what a ridiculous how many being. that one is easier, all bad.
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we'll explain. and then, doubling down on their attack. >> their offering the vote on the girl scout cookie model of selling. you buy them not because of the cookies, but to help the girl scouts. >> more ridiculous from fox news on that. they'll fight back against us. we've got the guy who made the movie who killed the electric car. we're going to fight back! it's go time. >> so we've heard a lot from the republicans throughout all these primary months. now, the obama administration wants to present their side of the story. they've decided they're going to do a new documentary and they've released the trailer for it. it is put together by the guy
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who did the truth documentary for al gore, which was an excellent movie, i hear. no, we loved it. so tom hanks is the voice-over here. it's very mellow dramatic, called "the road we've traveled." let's watch. >> how do we understand this president and his time in office? do we look at the day's headlines or do we remember what we as a country have been through? >> president elect is here in chicago and he's named members of the economic team and they all fly in for the first big briefing on the economy. >> what was described in that meeting was an economic crisis beyond anything anybody had imagined. >> our time of standing pat and protecting interests and putting
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off unpleasant decisions that time has surely passed. >> his advises would ask where to begin which urgent need to put first. >> which is one which is two which is three which is four, which is five. where do you start? >> if we don't do this now we'll be a generation before 30 million people don't have health insurance. >> if the auto industry goes down, what happens to america's manufacturing base, what happens to jobs in america? what happens to the whole midwest? >> all right. well look, that is beautifully put together, but let's keep it real it's propaganda. it's understandable, he's running a campaign. the republicans do theirs, he does his propaganda. in this version he had all these things, i love rahm emanuel, do you do six seven
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eight, nine? it's a little bit more nuance. there was good, bad we'll get to that. when jay carney was asked about it today here's what he said. >> we're going to explain the penalty's policies, positions describe his vision for the country moving forward but i'm willing to accept that there's never been one as good with a better told or more compelling story as this video that i've not yet seen. [ laughter ] >> it's funny but at the same time, he gives you a sense of like it's awesome and the obama administration was terrific. i didn't even see it, but trust me. ok? and i'm -- look, i'm not a guy who's here to simply defend the obama administration. i'm a progressive and if they're doing something right i'm going to say it, if not i'm going to call them out on it, which we are about to do. what bothers me is we have now entered an era where there's
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this group think of no matter what you think of the president in reality, everybody needs to get in line and make sure that they follow whatever the president says, because we're heading toward an election. i simply don't agree with that. here's martin sheen an actor and activist that i respect but here's what he said very recently: >> well, was, of course, he easy the president of the united states, but it seems like there's always an excuse of like oh god it's such a hard job! so you have to give them all the breaks. i get it. you to have tell it in its proper context but the next quote by more tin sheen i really dislike:
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>> does that mean only cornell west can criticize the president? i don't think that makes any sense at all. that's a needless injection of race into the issue when it doesn't belong there. i'll tell you things that concern me today we read how they might be bringing back the grand bargain basically the simpson-bowles the president has wanted all along. the so-called grand bargain on the budget, they would do three times as many spending cuts as they would do so-called tax increases. now as a progressi why in the world would i be in favor of that? that's a terrible ratio. we've cut spending to the bone, cut three times more than the tax increases. i don't agree with that. i don't care if we're heading toward an election, that's the wrong plan. it doesn't help the election chance. it would totally hurt you.
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here's more down size of the grand bargain it cuts social security medicaid, raises taxes for the poor, raises taxes for the middle class. that's where your chasm raises are. it lowers corporate taxes to which i say hell no. i'm not going to get in line for that. it doesn't mean i prefer mitt romney or any of the our clowns. no one is saying that. i'm not going to sign on to something and say it's the president, and he's running for reelection, yes, sir, hell no. i hope to god they don't do the grand bargain. when you look at president obama in his entirety, it's complicated. the upsides, look at these things they did health care reform. i've got concerns about it, but it's at least 50% good and a big, big effort. some defense spending cuts, i'd love more, but there's some. women's rights he he's been terrific. fair pay act affordable care act, stopped torture shut down
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the black sites the c.i.a. was running. he saved the auto industry. there was a stimulus, it could have been larger but had significant effects. he killed osama bin laden which was terrific and i finally got rid of don't ask, don't tell. that's very, very good. you also have to look at the down sides. let me give you a quick list of that, as well. he was very easy on the banks. at the same time, he was hard on whistle blowers not just bradley manning but corporate whistle blowers and security interest whistle blowers. civil liberties, he was a disaster. national defense authorization act allowing for the arrest of u.s. citizens and giving them indefinite detention was terrible. wiretapping continues domestic spending cuts significant dramatic. the war on drugs he started out great in the first two years and
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then has turned around and doubled down in the bush administration. on immigration reform, he's been horrible he's deported more people than george w. bush did. my main beef with him nothing on campaign finance reform. nothing. he was supposed to change the system. don't let people tell you that you got to bow your head and go along. don't listen to fox news and the republicans who say he is all bad. those are comical descriptions on that. i do want a debate on going towards an election, what should be the proper stance. i'm going to bring in michael shure here. i know you agree it's not a black and white issue. that's obvious right? as we go towards the election, what do you think is the proper stance? >> i think you've mischaracterize one part. the people supporting the penalty who look at the balance sheet you just presented are not bowing their head and going
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along. you can go along without bowing your head. you can say i want to reelect this president because i see my options, i like what he has done and the things he hasn't done, you look at those and think do i have a better shot of getting him to do those or a better shot of getting mitt romney or newt gingrich or rick santorum or any republican. >> let me ask you one important question here. i appreciate your perspective. some will say specifically look, if you're a progressi show, you shouldn't criticize the president. >> i don't think that. i don't think you're mandated to keep quiet but you can say i want him to be the president this is what he hasn't yet done, this is what i want him to do. these are the things i don't like that he's done. the list of positives from a progressive standpoint doesn't end with the list that you just showed right there. >> the list of negatives doesn't end. >> it doesn't end but there are pretty powerful positives. you think about the justice the supreme court justices the only
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real unchangeable, let's say legacy of any president he's put into progress you haves thus far that we can see on the bench. you don't want one of these people running for president who say that they idolize sam alito or roberts. >> the supreme court argument is excellent. it's not close between president obama and the republicans. anything president obama has done wrong the republicans would double, maybe triple. what drives me crazy and i got to point out because it's my job, we're supposed to deliver you the news is that when he goes to the right and he constantly goes to the right and i don't even think it helps him politically, it's maddening to me. i appreciate your perspective. when we come back, we're going to show you one of the republicans, newt gingrich and what a disaster he is and ridiculous strategy he has on gas when we return. >> $2.50 a gallon gasoline.
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with jennifer granholm. >>i am jenniffer granholm and you are in the war room. it's a beautiful thing. >>jennifer granholm on current tv. >>i'm a political junkie. this show is my fix. >>in politics, she was a gutsy leader. in cable news, she's a game changer. >>be afraid, be very afraid. now, the two term governor from michigan is reshaping the debate with a unique perspective and a forward-thinking approach. >>our goal is to bring you behind the scenes with access to stories that you've never seen before. >>she's a trailblazer determined to find solutions. >>one of the key components of a
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war room is doing a bit of opposition research. >>driven to find the thruth. >>i'm obsessed with the role of govenment. >>fearless, idependent and above all, politically direct. >>part of the mission here in our own war room is to help these candidates stay on track. make your voice heard. >> all right, back on the young turks. newt gingrich might be runner to planet earth from his moon colony. when a spokesperson was asked do you realistically have to win alabama and mississippi next tuesday in order to stay in the race, he said yes. what? i thought newt said he was going to win no matter what even if he wins georgia and south carolina, he would manage to become the president.
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they are getting more realistic. that's positive. when you talk about their main strategy this, you know, i'm going to make glass $2.50 they're still on the moon colony. here's newt. >> if you agree with the obama administration and you want nine or $10 a gallon gasoline, you should vote for him. if you'd like to be with us and get $2.50 a gallon gasoline, then we want your help no matter your background. >> tonight when you're on your facebook page, i want you to put newt equals $2.50 a gallon. you can give one gallon of newt gas, which is $2.50. [ laughter ] >> we've actually had lots of people do this. or you can give 10 gallons of newt gas, which is $25 or you can give 100 glance, $250 for a thousand gallons, which is 2500. >> i think it's one of the world's worst gimmicks. by the way newt, we can do the
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math. it's ok. how are you going to make gas $2.50? he has a plan. it's comical. let me show it to you. he's going to lower gas prices by eliminating the e.p.a. entirely. it's not that we're going to do less environmental protection, we're going to do no environmental probation. he's going to build the key stone pipeline and allow for more drilling. really, a republican allowing for more drilling. i didn't see that coming. let's talk about the effect of that. it's 82 million-barrels of oil per day in the world. the u.s. contributes 7.5 million-barrels per day to that. you see, we can't move the price on oil we're way too small. what if newt's plan went into effect and we crushed the e.p.a. and had plosion everywhere and drilling in your back yard, how much would we produce then? well, if we did the new drilling by 2030, you did the
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east and the west coast the florida gulf coast, you would have a whopping 500,000 extra barrels a day. now remember, world output per day is ate 2 million-barrels. this is literally a drop in the bucket. it wouldn't moor gas prices almost at all. this doesn't help our gas prices. you know who it helps? these guys, the guys making all the oil the gas companies make a lot more money from it. would you look at that? the republican party takes a lot of money from the gas and oil companies. i didn't see that coming with that whoa! in fact, newt is not alone. by the way very important point here. the relevance on foreign oil has gone down recently. we're below 50% in the oil we import into the country, the lowest in three decades. the domestic production that newt complains about is at an
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eight year high. we do have more drilling, you're lying about it. he's not alone. the gop has these hearings and they both in an oil executive really impartial person, to ask us how high can gas prices go? let's find out. >> if we drill none and that's what i think this administration would like to wean us off our fossil fuels. if we did not drill in america what would be the cost of gasoline in america? >> the cost i can't -- >> project, $10 a gallon? >> if not more. >> ok. thank you. >> come on, say $10. can i get $20? can i get $30? he's just making these numbers up. does obama suck, oh, yeah, boy does he suck. will he bring gas up to $10? oh yeah, totally maybe more, yeah. come on, these are not based on reality. you want reality? christopher swan is a writer and
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joins us now to talk about this issue. you've written extensively about this. can penalty gingrich just say as bush used to say magic wand, $2.50. >> i think it's very, it's depressingly cynical politics. i find it hard to believe newt gingrich believes this policy. america is 9% of world output as he points out. ironically as you were mentioning environmental protection is probably where america has most leverage. america accounts for 20% have world consumption. what happens if you get rid of the environmental protection agency, the fuel efficiency standards, which they've been ratcheting up under the obama administration, as gas gets cheaper, americans will use more pushing up the price.
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it balances out. the other great fallacy is he's not taking into account opec. lets imagine that you throw environmental caution completely to the wind, drill off the coast of your precious beaches dig up the arctic wildlife reserve and pump these extra barrels. if saudi arabia becomes unhappy with the price of oil, they turn off the taps, reduce the production by exactly the amount that you have increased it by and the price goes back to where it was. it's very hard to know where to start with a plan this stupid. [ laughter ] >> god bless your heart. all right. how about the other portion of what they are saying, whether newt gingrich or the republican party saying if obama's reelected, gas will obviously become $9 to $10 per gallon. where are they getting that? is there any sense of like reality to the oil production, what on god's green earth are
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they talking about? >> as you were pointing out oil production has done well under the obama administration, not particularly because of obama. essentially, we've had a technological revolution in sale making it easier to extract oil from rocks in places like north dakota and texas and drill deeper into thations. the obama administration has been relatively tolerant of this. oil production has been rising. also, the administration has been relatively liberal about allowing oil companies to drill on federal land. one thing the republicans haven't really pointed out is that a lot of federal lands have already been leased to the oil companies, but the oil companies simply aren't drilling on them. this is because they have a list of priorities with certain rates of return, and at the moment, they're drilling quite as much as they need to. >> one last quick question for
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you. if they drill here in the united states does any company have any obligation to actually keep that oil in the united states or can they sell it anywhere in the world? >> you can sell it anywhere in the world. this is always the fallacy of imagining one company can determine oil prices. the oil prices are determined by the interaction of supply and demand in dozens of different countries. it is not for the u.s. president to determine oil prices. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> now it's not the only thing that the republicans are attacking on. they're attacking the chevy volt for being dangerously american. we're going to bring in the director of who killed the electric car to talk to us about that. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies.
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>> he's here in the studio. he's signing the wall. he came here to chef volt. we came right back and actually ah, claim trouble. [ dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right man. [ dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is. yup. [ dennis ] claim service so good, it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can always count on them. unlike randy over there.
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that's one dumb dude. ♪ ♪ the new claim satisfaction guarantee. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. [ man ] gillette wanted to see how far one proglide cartridge could go. so they sent me around the world to find out. i learned a few things along the way. first impressions do matter. fear is your enemy... and your friend. laughter needs no translation. never say no to a gift. one world. 5 weeks. the only thing that didn't change was my razor. [ male announcer ] up to 5 weeks of comfortable shaves with one proglide cartridge. great things start with gillette.
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[[vo]]...we're the idea nobody wants to hear. ...until the truth reveals itself. boat-rockers. and above all... and there's only one place you'll find us. weeknights on current tv. >> all right, we are back on the
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young turks. there are depressing numbers. it turns out we had the fourth wormest winter on record. we also had the fourth smallest snowfall in the last 46 years. that's as long as we've been tracking it. california had the second dryest winter on record, as well, and then later when there's wildfires here in california, of course they will say who could have seen this coming? a columbia university study the rate of how much our oceans have become acidified, the numbers are not good. we've been seeing extreme weather throughout the country. >> the blizzard of 2011 is a it. >>. today, 100 million of us grappled with the effects.
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highways and airports were frozen solid. the maps show the misery. >> that usually makes it difficult to walk down the street during this time of year aren't there and the sun is shining more days than expected. major changes aren't likely to happen tomorrow. scientists believe recent extreme weather patterns are just the beginning and urge the world's countries to take significant steps in reducing their carbon footprints sooner than later. >> some of you might say i don't get it, we've got one of the four warmest winters we've ever had but then you see extreme weather like the blizzard. that's what happens. when you have higher temperatures, what happens is more extreme weather. we've shown you this graphic before. from 1980 to 2010, extreme weather events have gone from under 100 to to hundred 47. it only went up. you see extreme weather picking
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up significantly. the reason for that is because the land surface temperature has also gone up dramatically. around 1980, it starts to get into that red area there and you can see the connection. it's very obvious if you're actually looking at the facts but if you only care about the politics, you don't care about the facts. that brings us to fox news, conservatives and republicans. they've been waging a campaign against the chef volt. the reason they do that is two fold one it would actually help the environment. that is terrible. it wouldn't help the oil companies. you'd be buying less gas. the second reason is president obama saved g.m., so we canned have it. g.m. asked eric bolden to do a test drive of the chef volt. they wouldn't do it, instead did this. >> they're operating the volt on the girl scout cookie model of selling, you buy the cookies to
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help the girl scouts. >> who's going to buy a car for $47,000. >> you'd have to give that to me for free and i'd rather roller skate backwards than drive that thing and break down. >> i'm worried i'm going to get electrocuted when i pull out. >> the majority were sold to people who believe in the environment. it's a self perpetuating hoax. >> just when you thought they couldn't be more over the top. i love the smell of gasoline in the morning. these people are absurd. what was she talking about? i wouldn't drive it for free. then you'd be an idiot if somebody gave me a car for free, i'd definitely take it. now of course, like i told you it's political and they're attacking relentlessly on this. i was interested in congressman issa. he's taken money from two toyota
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dealerships in his area. when the toyota prius got in trouble, remember when it couldn't stop and there was significant controversy about that? he was defending toyota. watch. >> what they found was the damage to the car was not completely consistent with the story that was given and they couldn't repeat that in any way shape or form. they put new brakes and took it out for two hours could not come up with anything that resembles what mr. psychs said. >> you know, the state trooper who's car we saw in a photo the state troopers able to get in front of that car you know, employed the two of them together and then bring the prius to a stop, he said he saw the brake lights illuminated he smelled the brakes burning. it sure seemed at the time like it was a legitimate case of a run away car. >> even the fox news anchor there is like jesus can't you see this? it looks like it's out of
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control, there's no question. what he didn't realize is issa will defend anything if he gets paid to do it. the volt is the most fuel efficient car in the united states of america and it's an american company. you're obviously going to defend that right? apparently not. >> lets not forget that the real car of the year of the left foot decade has typically been an s.u.v. or the ford f150 pickup. when you think about the automobile that's most desirable, bought in large numbers, profitable to the auto companies and quite good for the workers to produce it's not likely to have ever been the volt and it never will be in the near term. >> can't be the volt, it's got to be a good gas-floodsling car because those guys pay me $120,000 in contributions. i'll do what they tell me to do. these guys are so corrupt it's
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painful. >> they are not alone, of course. this tweet: >> they are celebrating the demise that they stopped production on the volt, g.m. did, so the republicans did yes an american car company has done poorly, we love it. that's how much they care about partisan politics and how little about american jobs. here's g.m.'s quote on it: >> boy, isn't that right? a guy who might know a lot about this is chris paine he did the documentary who killed the electric car. he's done revenge of the electric car. let's watch a clip. >> a flood of emails saying you sold out to the oil companies and you killed my grandchildren. i hope you rot in hell. >> they have based a whole company strategy on it.
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if it fails there might not be a nissan. >> you can predict the future, if it happens we'll be ready. >> those are people who are not going to wait around to have the solution delivered to them. >> i want to tell the world that it's really possible. >> this is the future. ♪ ♪ >> all right, chris paine joins us now obviously made those movies. i watched who killed the electric car and my wife and i thought it was fantastic. you don't just he is spouse the stuff, you live it. you drove here in a chef volt. >> i did and york for general motors. it's amazing, how much venom there is something made in this country that doesn't work on gasoline if you don't want it to. it's incredible. >> what do you think is going on? are they trying to protect the oil companies, is it that obama
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supported g.m., a combination of the two? is there any idealogical reason to root against it? >> to take something in this country that doesn't run on saudi arabian oil seems like a perfect solution. then it gets thrown into the political heat like this is really unfair. >> do you think it might be hurting sales as the g.m. c.e.o. was indicating there doing this anti marketing over and over again, rush limbaugh saying it's going to kill people if you get in the car. it's like they're trying to make sure, you ask who killed the electric car it seems to be fox news and rush limbaugh. >> it seems like it. they're really going after it. bob lutz and all these guys is a true believer. he is like i don't know what
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they're doing. why are he attacking this very american car with a great future. i think it's because they have nothing else to talk about. when on him prices hit $4 and $5 this summer and americans going electricity is a dollar a gallon, maybe they'll be coming back. >> what do you think there the volt has gotten all these awards, best mileage here in the u.s., et cetera, but it hasn't sold well this year, so where do you think the problem is? >> well, look at the media coverage of it. it might be the same guys doing this thing today. they had a test spot, you did a test crash of the car it caught fire. they reported on that as if the hindenburg had blown up and children died everywhere. it was the same year the minis caught fire, a total of 183 vehicle fires that year, but it comes to the volt and something
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that they can attach to obama somehow, which is not even true, it's huge news. people go hmm an electric car th i ii of new. >> scarcrcththejesus o of them. m mbebe'm j joioi to wait,t, they get low sales. >> it's amazing man how they work in cahoots to make sure whatever you do, you've got to consume more oil. we have higher gas prices, which they claim that they hate and blame president obama for but in reality, they love it. >> the volt was started before obama was ever president, so the levels of hypocrisy here go on and on. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> great. when we come back, we're going to discuss whether the republicans really do have a war on women and we've got some interesting numbers for you and of course there's this guy. >> so ms. fluke and the rest of you, here's the deal, if we are going to pay for your contraceptives and pay for you
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to what's up? >>hi! >>how ya doing? >>good. >>what you got there? >>a u.v. light lunch box. >>wow! how does it work? >>you put the fruit in, you turn it on, you wait for ten seconds, you take it out. it's a healthy apple to eat. >>that's big. if you sell as manny of those as we sold records, one day i'm going to be going to your house. >>got a cool idea of your own? enter it now at four finalist will have the chance to pitch their idea to one winner may see their invention idea brought to life.
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>> all right we've got a great power panel. before we get started i want to congratulate you guys and
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celebrate international woman's day, so thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> all right, how to, interestingly and ironically enough on international women's day, the republican party seems to have a war on women. not just rush limbaugh who called sandra fluke unbelievable names and apparently wants to watch on line, the man is grotesque. but more importantly the legislation they are pushing throughout the country. in fact, i want to show you a graph here. 1985 there were only 20 laws that were trying to restrict abortion. that's too much as it is, because it's your constitutional right, but 2011, that skyrocketed to 83. just on abortion. reproductive health overall 1100 laws were introduced in 2011 to restrict reproductive health. of the ones that are passed, that's the number you're seeing.
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2009 77, 2010, 89, 2011, 100 have passed already women's rights with reproductive health. those numbers seem a little damning. it is fair to say the republicans are having a war on women because they strenuously object. >> they do. i mean, the thing is like you said there are all those numbers, on track to do basically the same thing this year in terms of state legislatures. republicans say it's not about war on women they say it's about abortion, it's about limiting these things that they oppose, but the things that they he oppose are things like birth control, that's something that no one can argue doesn't help women. >> you know, of course, they would say they try to protect the liberty and it doesn't seem like it's a war on women. what do you say about that? >> yeah, was there's a war on women being waged.
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i think the question is not is there a war on women as why is there a war on women that is happening right now. a lot of time they use religion as an excuse to cloud it. in today's day and age where women are making so much progress in society the closer we come to equality, the more the men who have gotten used to being in power are freaking out flailing around trying to pass every piece of legislation that they can and just act like it's really about their morality. >> one other stunning number goes to the republican's absurd point that women are running the place, like women have all the rights the u.n. put out a report, apparently women do 66% of the work now. i don't know how they count that. that's a pretty high number. they produce 50% of the food, get 10% have the income in the
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world and the shocking numbers only have 1% of the property in the world. as you look at that number, you think boy if they've got a war on women globally, it seems to be working. >> yeah, i think happy international women's day. it's sad it's 2012, it's, you think things are getting better and getting better, but then we have knows numbers around the globe, we have a conversation nationally right now about whether people who take birth control are sluts. things aren't getting better as much as they ought to be. it seems like an international war on women. >> final thought here, as you look at that, it's a depressing number. i know we've made strides, i don't want to seem like we didn't, of course we did in terms of women's rights in this country. it seems like globally or here in the u.s., we almost seem to be taking a 10 back here. >> that's exactly what we're doing when we have conversations talking about women that take
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birth control of sluts. it's just this massive regression. on one hand, we should be talking about the areas where there is real inequality. figures show at every education level within the united states, women make less than their male counter parts do, but we're stuck with this really dumbed down and kind of vile conversation thanks to people like are you rush limbaugh and the shock i don't thinks out there where we can only talk about women in terms of prostitution and whether they're sluts. >> all right. great to have you guys on, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> when we come back, there's someone who's trying to change the world with music. can he do it? we'll find out. ♪ ♪
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flavor morph. changes flavors as you chew. >> some people think they can change the world through music. ♪ ♪ >> that's true, but we'll get to that in a second. mark johnson is a grammy winning producer and put together a documentary playing for change. we're going to talk to him in a second, take a look at this. ♪ ♪ >> you feel nothing else than peace. >> all right well, thanks for joining us here.
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mark you're going to go around, change the world with your music, is that the kind of hippy you are? >> it's not just me. there's people all around the world that see the power of doing things together inspiring each other and music is one of the greatest things we have. playing for change is a movement of people that uses music around the world to inspire people we're never going to be as strong as the things that can bring us together. we travel around the world film musicians and unit them to make songs around the world stand by me, one love, build music schools, connect the kids together and we also created the playing for change band touring the world showing people what happens when all different cultures religion, politics, put that aside and play music. >> building music schools throughout the world helping
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people. conservatives would be so upset. talk about how you bring people together, when you track the world, has there been two different warring ethnicities you've brought together? >> music is a great tool to get a the human heart. we're recording a song called united and recorded a female singer in barcelona. she's from tel-aviv and was singing in hebrew. we were going to cairo. when we arrived, it was shortly after the bombing of the american embassy and there was tension. when it came to the specifics of having somebody sing in arabic with somebody in hebrew, there was a lot of tension. what happened was the triumph of the spirit. the young female singer said
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it's important that the world see this and i do this and this lives on past any kind of conflict. it will remind people that kick plant a seed and do things together in the world. >> i love that you got them to do it, right and i love it's throughout the world and these different groups singing together, but isn't it discouraging that you have to convince people that it's ok to sing in arabic and hebrew the same song. >> this goes back generations. if we can do something to start to change the course to show people it's ok to get along and do something positive for the planet, those kind of seeds affect the future. >> one last quick thing. tell me about the band playing for a change. >> the playing for a change band is some of the best world musicians, grandpa elliot, a street performer in new orleans for 60 years musicians from the congo, south africa and all over the world that have played together. it's something great we can do.
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>> sounds great. thanks so much for joining us on the young turks. you literally rock. ok. now, when we come back, you guys helped us pick secret service nicknames for mitt romney, robo corps, and we will debut church lady for you tonight now that newt gingrich that secret service protection, you submitted names. we'll show you the best whehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe well, online dating services can get kind of expensive. so to save money i've found a new way to get my profile out there. check me out. everybody says i've got a friendly disposition and they love my spinach dip. five foot ten... still doing a little exploring. but... my sign is sagittarius, i'm into spanish cheese, my hairline is receding but i'm getting
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a weave. getting a weave. there's an easier way to save. who wants some ronald tonight!? who wants some ronald tonight!? geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more.
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(vo)weeknights... >>the weakest citizen in this country is more important than the strongest corporation. my god, this is one of the stupidest things i've ever heard! you got a bone to pick with that? the blood is in the water and the sharks are bipartisan.
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>> we're back on the u. block. we asked you to help us for secret service code names. mitt romney was robo corps. we've made this animation for that. ♪ ♪ >> we actually use that throughout the show. thank you so much. now among the rick santorum names, i love church lady. we've got a before picture. let's put that up. we decided now that he's the church lady, we've got the after picture. all right. we're getting there. we're getting there. it's a little church lady like. we asked about newt gingrich, over 300 submissions. to give you a sense of the most
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popular, moonbeam and fat and bastard. it's a reference to austin powers, no offense. here's a list of ones that i loved. caesar, because of of course how pompous he is, crispy cream hypocritical oaf porky pig filthy professor rocket man moon unit, and pompous pilat of the. god, that's clever. we had a lot of submissions for captain stay puft. brian hughes was the first one on facebook, but i'm going to go with
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